VMCVM Wellness Memorial Fund

Memorializing others to drive wellness initiatives
The Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine Wellness Memorial Fund was created to honor alumni and dedicated members of the college community who have died. Their influence and impact on the college and its students, faculty, and staff will be memorialized through important contributions that will drive wellness projects and initiatives.
The fund aims to support wellness programs at the college that promote health awareness and well-being. Funding may support, but will not be limited to, the following: mindfulness exercises; research initiatives; training for empathy, communication, compassion fatigue, and burnout; food for workshops; speakers for a Well-being Grand Rounds Series; a wellness room; a memorial garden; wellness books and resources; a peer-support program; and much more.
With every contribution, you will be invited to share a memorial message in honor of a classmate, influential faculty or staff member, or loved one. Below are the memorials dedicated to those we have lost.
Creating a healthier environment and encouraging improved lifestyle choices vitally honors those who have devoted their lives to veterinary medicine and the promotion of public health. It is our hope that the memories of those who left us too soon can live on through the compassion, dedication, and resiliency of those who enter and exit the VMCVM and go on to live healthy, productive lives.

Maggie Meikle
Associate Director of Development for Major Gifts
The college is committed to achieving and promoting an atmosphere of optimal health and wellness for all of its community members.